Now, psychoanalysis comes to be a bizzare religion because its God is not all but is not-all. Its constructive elements are objectical voice, object’s gaze, destituted subject and a general truth. In this materialist religion, the ontoligical shock is a non-bodied or un-imbodied voice that comes from a distance but at once, comes frome inside, an ex-timate call. Now what is an alysand? It is something what can not ceased something else of being written, and this bizarre something has a gaze or voice structure. Analysis is somehow a krygma about an event to let analysand to be a name that be written by a subject that has been exprienced this letting-to-be-written preceding and processing.
And we all know that when we go an analysis session, there is a couch. But what is it? what couch? It means to locate. to locate in what? subjectivization? histerization? both of them. to locate in analyst discours? yes. and locate in essential, i.e. to exist, to ex-ist, to exclude. exclude from psychotic (m)Other. and more about the couch? it means “day bed”. but to bed with whom or what? the proper answer is to “hole”, to “void”. It meand couch is an invitation to couch that there is no sexual relation in the couch. We fall on the couch as Adam fall on earth from the grace, from the paradise. So when we fall on the couch we assert that it is a schysm between signifier and signified, that in session, we are practicing fall from pre-Odipal paradise.
Couch is a word that may be translate in German stell; so it may be a guiding word to journey through the ontology or onto-couch-logy against the background of specular structure of subject (Advance Oxford dictionary: Coutch: (v.) express, utter, set fourth, frame; (n.) settee, settle, ottoman, day bed).
analysand is one of three terms that are setting forth the exprience. It is somehow a would-be talking machine, because at first, it does not accept its extriority.
In the Philip K. Dick’s novel, “a scanner darkly”, we see a whole progect have staked on chance, on a non-sensical act of psychotic addict which may culminate in knowledge. I think this novel is an analogy of psychoanalysis that is a horror gambling or Rusian roullette, such as the drama we see in “Deer Hunter”. We may glance at sinthome or may fall in psychosis. In Iran, everybody who wants to think is a “scanner darkly”. (S)he must cunsume her/his body as well as her/his psychic unity, becoz pollitically we are faced with slavish masters such as persident AhmadiNejad and so on. enyway… I wrote these things for I thought this political scene worth to be contemplate analytically, against the baclground of universal populist politics of psodo-left leaders such as Chaves and the likes. In this situation, we are to be psychotic publicly.
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