Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Daemonic Couch

Now, psychoanalysis comes to be a bizzare religion because its God is not all but is not-all. Its constructive elements are objectical voice, object’s gaze, destituted subject and a general truth. In this materialist religion, the ontoligical shock is a non-bodied or un-imbodied voice that comes from a distance but at once, comes frome inside, an ex-timate call. Now what is an alysand? It is something what can not ceased something else of being written, and this bizarre something has a gaze or voice structure. Analysis is somehow a krygma about an event to let analysand to be a name that be written by a subject that has been exprienced this letting-to-be-written preceding and processing.
And we all know that when we go an analysis session, there is a couch. But what is it? what couch? It means to locate. to locate in what? subjectivization? histerization? both of them. to locate in analyst discours? yes. and locate in essential, i.e. to exist, to ex-ist, to exclude. exclude from psychotic (m)Other. and more about the couch? it means “day bed”. but to bed with whom or what? the proper answer is to “hole”, to “void”. It meand couch is an invitation to couch that there is no sexual relation in the couch. We fall on the couch as Adam fall on earth from the grace, from the paradise. So when we fall on the couch we assert that it is a schysm between signifier and signified, that in session, we are practicing fall from pre-Odipal paradise.
Couch is a word that may be translate in German stell; so it may be a guiding word to journey through the ontology or onto-couch-logy against the background of specular structure of subject (Advance Oxford dictionary: Coutch: (v.) express, utter, set fourth, frame; (n.) settee, settle, ottoman, day bed).

analysand is one of three terms that are setting forth the exprience. It is somehow a would-be talking machine, because at first, it does not accept its extriority.
In the Philip K. Dick’s novel, “a scanner darkly”, we see a whole progect have staked on chance, on a non-sensical act of psychotic addict which may culminate in knowledge. I think this novel is an analogy of psychoanalysis that is a horror gambling or Rusian roullette, such as the drama we see in “Deer Hunter”. We may glance at sinthome or may fall in psychosis. In Iran, everybody who wants to think is a “scanner darkly”. (S)he must cunsume her/his body as well as her/his psychic unity, becoz pollitically we are faced with slavish masters such as persident AhmadiNejad and so on. enyway… I wrote these things for I thought this political scene worth to be contemplate analytically, against the baclground of universal populist politics of psodo-left leaders such as Chaves and the likes. In this situation, we are to be psychotic publicly.

Some Lacanian Reflections on Monster

I have had an essay on it begins:

"On the year 2002, in Mashad, the sacred and pilgrimage town of Iran, a serial killer appeared who had killed 19 women and been named by press as “spider killer” because of his constant way of murdering. As a typical trend, all his victims were helpless disfranchised rejected women, i.e. addicted aged prostitutes. Then a TV documentary made by an Iranian director for BBC network, including some interviews with murderer, his wife and his son, father and two daughters of a victim, judge of the case and some people who had acquainted murderer through living in same neighborhood or working in same place. What was probably surprising for good-willing people was all interviewees’ same position about these crimes. Murderer claimed his only intention was cleansing the society of guilty ones, of those villains who aimed corrupting his people’s living atmosphere. All interviewees, certainly except victim’s relations, praised his intention and actions. After all, they attested he was a pious, well-behavior and very civilized man. Nevertheless the “spider killer” is not an exceptional phenomenon, whether in east or west. Everywhere we witness the man who think of himself as a kind of savior whose mission is “to refine” society, even world; but eventually, albeit his supposedly benevolent motive, his actions take on monstrosity shapes..."

If you are interested to see its completed version, you can go to:

Friday, August 13, 2010

some poems whose titles are jouissance


All ships come there to break down

The captain is a junky all and all be known

"That is the reason here I am" said the man

And we all are sailing to the rock of death

Every street has a monster in its corner

I said "hey man you can not stand by your feet"

There is a monster in each corner

They have no difference, no similarity

And they all dead ringers

"I want to be swallowed by this one" said the man

And all are walking to the mouth of death

I wanna say "beware boy!

"This girl has a lethal beauty

"You'll crawl to her bed and will captive her in your vain

"Then you'll be her slave

"While the bed will be firin' before your pa and ma"

And I am going to salute this sweet hero of death.


Some men call you evil's powder

And you know they're too brave to come up the tower

It is clear they miss your cover

You can warm up my bones like a Caribbean sun

Even I bleed or have no gun

You show me your job

And it is fine, so lovely, evil and so fine

Your arms stronger than the burden of hard times

I feel you laugh and laugh hogging all flesh of mine

Some men call you cosmos-killer

Some say you have so many unfinished mines

Some women try hard to imitate your indifferent power

And you laugh so high coz you hate the joker

Come on my dear, my sharp pain-killer

My fatal femme, my speed, life and lock

My luck, blood, home and ground

I've torn all ropes coz I've felt your touch.


In the nights

When the candles gone

Where all eyes sore

Winter eats close stars

Sun milled to dust

Feet turned to stone

It is the spell of nights

Cocaine nights or angel's dust

In the nights

Ropes stretch tight

Necks forget their right

"Hey I found something", say pa

"Sucker, that my rotten body", replies son, "needs no savior".

It is the spell of nights

Spreads winter to the deep depth of souls.


This is the sun in the sky

Rising with a cow's eye

Over the table, glasses are tremblin'

Sheets replace ghosts, demons gamblin'

Go, go out of this maze

Far from light's blade

Black sun of start point

I begin this blog after not sleeping because of serial and speed nightmare which envade my dream whil my pretty wife is asleep oh her dental pain. I am a novelist, literary theorician, painter and translator in Iran. I am under influence of Lacan, Deleuze, Derrida and Hegel. I want to contemplate postmodern subjectivization with help of horror movie, Dark literature, and Rock music especially Dylon and Lou Reed. So, wait to see what i'll write. Please forgive my English mistakes. for the first post, I comment Listening some albumes of Lou Reed, watching Wilhelm Dekooning's paintings and "Texas chainsow massacre" and "Devil's reject" of Rob Zombie.

after all, I live in the town of cats, Tehran. I love my wife so so crazy-some. I love my 10-year-old daughter so so much. I am a 33-year-old abd my wife is 5 years younger.